The COVID-19 Coronavirus is out there. It has killed people. It is real, there are no doubts about that.

In order to protect our community, our offices have enrolled in the Pennsylvania Department of Health Vaccine Rollout Plan.

As a rural health clinic private practice, we are expecting to receive fewer doses than your average commercial pharmacy, however we should have vaccines and boosters available. In the event we do not, we can help you find alternative source for your vaccine using the map below.

Having trouble viewing the map? View the full screen version.

Anyone, even people not currently enrolled as patients with our practice, may call our Spartansburg Office at (814) 654-7334 to speak to our staff to schedule a vaccination. Our Patient Portal service is available to enrolled patients.

​COVID-19 Dashboard

The COVID-19 Dashboard, which is updated each day at noon, discloses the number of confirmed and probable cases, negative test results, deaths, ZIP-code level data, hospital preparedness, and case and death demographics. This information is also available for download. 

Note: The COVID-19 Data Dashboard does not load properly in Internet Explorer. It is recommended to use Chrome, Edge, or Firefox to view the dashboard.

Having trouble viewing the dashboard? View the full screen version.